Welcome to Lana Grace Overton!


Our little bundle of poop and joy was born on July 18th at 12:07 am.  She weighed 8lbs, 13.4 ounces, and was 21.25 inches long.

Now for the important stuff - she likes the colors black& white, her favorite food is milk, and she loves to have a clean diaper (don't we all?)

We are greatly blessed by all of our family, and Lana Grace is an amazing addition to our blessings. 

Following are some pictures that chronicle how she's growing & changing - we think it's pretty amazing.



  The Stork's Arrival   The stork's arrival          
  Week 1 - First Bath, first lots of things!   Week 1          
  Aren't these just the cutest pictures?   Week 2          
      Week 3